Add search to your website
As a technical blog, with the increasement of contents, it becomes difficult to remember all the things you have written down. Thast’s why we need a Search
function for our website.
Following this blog I started my journey.
As far as I know, there are several solutions:
- Lunr
- Google Custom Search Engine
- Algolia
- Simple Jekyll Search
As Cristianpb said:
There are two ways to implement a search engine:
- having a backend server that fetch the data and calculates the recommendation or
- using a frontend application to filter data on the client side.
The advantage of using a frontend application to filter data is the fact that you don’t need a backend service, so it works well with static sites. However, if your data is heavy, it may decrease the web navigation performance. A popular example of search engine on client side is lunr.js.
The backend service is then a more robust solution that can scale with your data. Some examples of engines that can be used for backend search engines are Apache SolR or Elasticsearch.
I wanted to have the advantages of both of them, having an scalable, fast and light search solution, so I decided to use Algolia search engine.
Inspired by him and after some survey, I decided to use Algolia. It is fast, instant, and free (in 10000 records). I followed part of this blog and finished the following steps:
- registered account on Algolia
- add the jekyll-algolia gem to your Gemfile
group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'jekyll-algolia', '~> 1.0' end
- add algolia application settings in _config.yml file (this part is from this blog):
search : true # true, false (default) search_full_content : true # true, false (default) search_provider : algolia # lunr (default), algolia, google algolia: application_id : "14DZKASAEJ" index_name : "iBug_website" # nodes_to_index : 'section.page__content p, section.page__content h1, section.page__content h2, section.page__content h3, section.page__content h4, section.page__content h5, section.page__content h6, section.page__content img, section.page__content blockquote, section.page__content li, section.page__content dt, section.page__content dl' search_only_api_key : "a0d8cb9da2d6ad0d17dcd40c58c72a56" powered_by : true # true (default), false settings: searchableAttributes: ["title", "hierarchy.lvl0", "hierarchy.lvl1", "hierarchy.lvl2", "hierarchy.lvl3", "hierarchy.lvl4", "hierarchy.lvl5", "unordered(content)", "collection,categories,tags"] customRanking: ["desc(date)", "desc(weight.heading)", "asc(weight.position)"] attributesToHighlight: ["title", "hierarchy.lvl0", "hierarchy.lvl1", "hierarchy.lvl2", "hierarchy.lvl3", "hierarchy.lvl4", "hierarchy.lvl5", "content", "html", "collection", "categories", "tags"] attributesForFaceting: ["searchable(tags)", "searchable(type)", "searchable(title)"] files_to_exclude: - _pages/ - _pages/ - - - _home/status.html - _posts/2009/ - _posts/2021/
- Here I followed Cristianph’s blog to continue the remaining steps.
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